Lab-X³: 3ʳᵈ Workshop on High-energy-resolution Laboratory X-ray Spectroscopy 2024

3–4 October 2024, Budapest, Hungary

The Lab-X³ workshop took place on October 3-4 in Budapest, bringing together leading experts in the field of high-energy-resolution laboratory X-ray spectroscopy. This gathering was designed to facilitate the exchange of the latest advancements and innovations, allowing participants to learn from one another and foster collaborative ideas that can drive the field forward.
The workshop aimed to facilitate knowledge sharing among professionals, emphasizing the importance of community building in advancing scientific inquiry. Attendees engaged in meaningful discussions, enhancing their understanding and expanding their networks. Participants enjoyed social interactions over fine Hungarian wines after intensive sessions, blending rigorous scientific dialogue with cultural engagement. This relaxed environment encouraged networking and strengthened connections among attendees.
LynXes Innovation Ltd. is honored to support this prestigious event, showcasing the expertise of CEO Zoltán Németh and CTO György Vankó, who both delivered impactful presentations and are esteemed members of the scientific community. Their contributions underscored LynXes commitment to promoting high-caliber discussions and innovation.

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